What is Upward Sports?

Upward Sports was founded in 1995 out of a desire for the church to meet the needs of families in the community. By focusing on the sports experience and the whole person, a church can help participants grow mentally, athletically, spiritually, and socially.
The sports experience you will find provided by a local church helps participants learn a sport and learn for life by understanding God’s plan for their life.


All children deserve opportunities to be active, learn, and have fun!

Whole Person

The whole athlete is engaged in learning a sport and knowledge from God that applies to life.


Playing a sport is about having fun while learning the fundamentals to gain confidence.

Healthy Competition

Playing a sport is about giving your best effort during competition while respecting your opponents, coaches, and officials.
You will find coaches who demonstrate care for participants by taking the time to teach beginners and challenge those with experience to reach their full potential. Coaches understand a bigger picture and demonstrate how Jesus can change and guide our lives.

No matter where you are in life, we want to serve you and provide the best experience for you and your family


Flag Football

We are looking forward to our season of Upward Flag Football!
Our goal is simple: Reach all people with Nothing But Jesus and to cultivate a love for others to do the same.


We are looking forward to our season of Upward Cheerleading!
Our goal is simple: Reach all people with Nothing But Jesus and to cultivate a love for others to do the same.


We appreciate your interest to serve with Upward Sports at Reach.
Our goal is simple: Reach all people with Nothing But Jesus and to cultivate a love for others to do the same.

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